Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Legislature Against Judiciary

Doesn't the Court give judgement based on what is right in the eyes of justice? If there are not enough proofs to substantiate an argument then such an argument is baseless, waste of time and not worth discussing. Then isn't the Parliament's decission to override the judgement(or the mere possibility of such a thing), an attempt to cause harm to justice and against doing what is right? What's the meaning of elected representatives acting unjust or going against the court?

I asked this doubt to my father. He gave the other perspective to it. He said that the court gives judgement based on pre-written laws which were framed for the welfare of the nation and not based on actual "justice" as one might call it. Because what is justice for one may not be justie for another. And whenever the court is in doubt, it refers to these laws and acts accordingly. The legislature's job is to frame these laws. If the legislature passes the law that OBC quota must be implemented and if there was a case in the future against it, the court would refer to this law and would immediately close that case, in favour of OBC quota.

It was then that I actually understood the depth of the job given to the elected representatives. We give them the right to decide what's good for the general welfare of the nation, i.e. framing the laws. Another side to this is, "Are they actually elected by a majority of the people with our nation's elections based on simple majority? So can they decide what will be liked by a majority of our people?" But the fact that their decisions is sometimes even against the people that voted FOR them, this side of the story is needless to be debated. Now the real question is "what can we do when the laws that they frame are against the welfare of a majority of our population?" Practically, nothing. Well, we can agitate, protest, rebel, to show our opposition. This is possible only when there is a little courage, initiative, hope for betterment, no possibility of self destruction, at most a little possibility of hurting ourselves. And even if we do protest, there will be another group to protest against us in which case, either the dog that barks loudest gets the bait or the goverment ignores both and continues its initiative. So we come back to what an individual can do in such cases. Practically, nothing.

Well, if you hate the system, you can go against the system. Do not follow the rules. Follow your own rules. Do what you think is right. And this also has a high possibility of a bad failure. One thing I have learnt from all these experiences (And I would like to follow this). Stop grumbling and make your life miserable. Take life as it is. This is what is given to you. Your country IS like this. See what best you can do with what you have. Let them frame horrible laws. Turn them to your favour(Like getting a fake OBC certificate from Bihar Govt. Hospital) or make them insignificant(By performing so well that you get inspite of the quota). There is so much more happiness in this world. Stop worrying and live every moment as if it were gonna be your last.


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