Friday, May 05, 2006

Is God Man or Woman:

Man: I feel God is definitely a woman. Cos’ only woman have the patience, skill and sensitivity, to create something so intricate and complex as nature….

Woman: You see that’s where you’re basically wrong…. If god were a woman, why would she have created man? Women don’t need men, it’s man who is in constant need of a woman….

Man: Oh yeah?? Then why does a woman need a father in childhood, a husband at adulthood and a son at old age, to constantly look after her? Don’t pretend women can live without men….

Woman: Ok, then if god were a woman, why would she be stupid enough to curse her own kind to suffer the labor pains…huh? Why couldn’t she have made men give birth to babies?

Man: The fact that women have the power to create a new life proves that god must be a woman! Hah!!

Woman: No way…. What about male chauvinism, female infanticide, women being kept prisoners inside the house, made to cook, wash clothes, clean vessels while you go out there and enjoy the world???

Man: Hey… we go out there, work, slog and sweat blood so that you can be happy inside the house without any kind of worldly worries, and we shelter you from the cruel and dangerous world out there and this is what we get??? Isn’t it a kind of silent but very cunning way of making us innocent men feel that we are actually keeping you prisoners while we enjoy life?? By constantly talking about male chauvinism, you are executing female chauvinism in this world… and you think we aren’t aware of that!!! God is definitely a wom….

Woman: That’s it!! I can’t stand talking to thickheaded creatures like you even for a minute…and you say god wanted you people to protect us for our lives! You know what…. If there were no men in this world there wouldn’t be anything else to protect us against…. And what about the fact that Adam was created before Eve, Huh?? If god were a woman as you say, why didn’t she create Eve first?

Man: Simple…because she wanted Adam to come here, clean the place and make preparations for you royal arrival!!! And we had to waste a rib for that…

Woman: And probably that’s when you guys lost your backbone…

Man: You know what?

Woman: What?
Man: You know what?

Woman: WHAT?

Man: I think I’ve had it… I accept… God is a MAN!!!!

Woman: Hah!! And what made you see that?

Man: Cos’ otherwise, it would have been GODDESS!!!


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