Tuesday, April 18, 2006

India Bachao Aandholan:

The recent decision to raise the Narmada Dam received a great opposition from the Narmada Bachao Aandholan headed by the socialist Medha Patkar. Their request is simple- already when the dam was raised last time, thousands of tribals were at a threat of losing their homes if there was a flood. And the government has not yet provided rehabilitation for them. Without resolving their issue, Ms.Patkar feels it is unjust and inhuman to talk about raising the dam further. Seems fair doesn’t it??

If the dam is raised, Gujarat would be benefited, but the rehabilitation measures are to be taken up by the Madhya Pradesh Government because the affected tribals belong to MP. So Gujarat is pressing the central to move forward with the issue. Where is the feeling of nationalism among the states nowadays… the same was the case in the cauveri issue between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. When 7 different European countries are able share the Rhine River flowing through them, without any problem, then what is the difficulty in sharing cauveri water peacefully between the two states? It is unfair on the part of Karnataka government to utilize their geographical advantage. There maybe ego problems between the parties in position in the two states. But why should the common people suffer? Why isn’t the central government interfering in such issues and resolving them with a nationalistic view? When there is a dispute between two state governments shouldn’t the centre take the decisions? What else is the job of the central government?

Ms.Medha Patkar finally ended her 21-day fast today. During these days she was beaten up, jailed and tortured for attempting to commit suicide. Hello!! When was fasting for a cause considered suicide?? In that case more than half of our national leaders must have been jailed. While she was in jail, there was an exclusive coverage in NDTV about a model whose dress fell off on the ramp during the Lakme India Fashion Week!!! How very important for the development of our country!!! There should be more “big fights” and “We the people” on such issues. After all, who’ll want to hear about some cranky lady being tortured in jail for fighting to help the tribals who cannot by themselves fight for their rights??

In the middle of this Aamir Khan has joined hands with the Aandholan and expressed his support to them. When Headlines today interviewed Aamir about what he thought about the issue, he replied, “ I’m not fully aware of the situation but I support the Aandholan and their cause.” HA HA HA!!! Nice try Aamir! C’mon, we can see your political intentions. I mean…he doesn’t even know what the issue is, people!!! The question here is whether the Aandholan is going to benefit from him or whether he is going to benefit from the Aandholan, as rightly put by Arundhati Roy.

Though this apparently seems to be an open and shut case… I can’t see why the Indian Government isn’t seeing this issue from the tribals’ perspective. After all, Ms.Patkar and the other activists are not against the raising of the dam. They just want rehabilitation for the tribals and justice for all. If one has to fight so much to protect one’s own rights as a human, I don’t know where India is heading. Soon we will be forced to start India Bachao Aandholan!!!!


At 10:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Politics in India is filthy and it sucks. Most people are mean, dishonest and has no mercy for others. All they care about is about themselves.


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